Senin, 08 Januari 2018

Where is it? I hardly find.
He said, “it doesn’t go anywhere”.
Where is it? I still can’t find it.
He said, “it is not going anywhere”.

But, what do I look for whole this time?
He said, “you already know the answer”
What? I don’t know what the answer.
He said “yes, you do”

I’m searching for something I never know.
He said, “you know it all your life”.
If i know it, I wouldn’t hardly find it.
He said, “then go for it!”.

I give up.
He said, “no, don’t. Keep seeking!”
So tell me what is this thing I should find.
He said, “it is right in front of you”.

Where? I don’t see it.
He said, “look a little closer.”
Don’t fool me. I’m not playing around with you.
He said, “we’re not, tho.”

Alright, I’m leaving.
He stopped me and say, “wait!.”
What? I thought you’d help me.
He said, “I’m helping you. But please don’t give in.”

I need you to help but you gave me riddle.
He said, “there it goes.”
What? You just make me angry.
He said, “just solve this. Come back to me when you’re already broke the riddle.”

It’s wasting time. I’ll never get what I’m looking then.
He said, “all your answer is in there.”
He said, “i’ll always be here”

I started to leave. A hand grabs my arm.
He said, “Please wait! I’ll tell you.”
Go ahead.
He said, “close your eyes.”

He hugs me and say. “It is a love you’ve been looking for. Love is something you never see, but feel. That’s why you never find it. Through close eyes I ask you to feel it. I have loved you since I couldn’t remember when it started.”

No way. The answer is not love. How could you tell me if it’s love?

He answer, “then go and look for your own answer. Just come back to me when you can’t find any.”

Sure I will find any. I have just found an answer that I wanted.

He lets go off me and says, “good for you.” He smiles trough tears.

It is you. I want you, to tell me that you love me.

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